Monday, July 27, 2009

So I've had time to finish painting the bathroom. It still needs more work. How do you like it so far? Any suggestions?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

For parents:

When I was at BYU, a L O N G time ago, at the advice of my roommate, I took an elective called CDFR 445. It was a hands on class on parenting. Luckily, I took it before I got married and had children. I still have the textbook and referred to it often when raising our children.
(When I googled the book, I came up with my own blog!)
I will repeat myself and recommend it to all parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I've given copies to all of our children.
It is an excellent guide for parents with tricky or strong willed children.
(of course, we have none of those in OUR family...)


We actually got to go to Nauvoo twice on our vacation. The first time was on Friday night to see the new Nauvoo Pageant. Opinion - it was just different than 'our' pageant, in some ways better, and in some ways not better.

The best better part was that they had wonderful pre-show activities. Lots of bagpipes. (I never imagined that many LDS folks actually played bagpipe!!)

This is a puppet show.

Mini-Nauvoo photo op.

Free bees

Kiddie crafts.

And of course - the show.

Our achievement: Miriam watched it on our laps.

On Monday morning we travelled there again with Jared and Reva to see the Smith family get sealed in the Nauvoo Temple.

Nana played babysitter. It was so fun showing a new generation all the fun things in Nauvoo!

We saw great big oxen and watched them get yoked.

We rode in the wagon that they pulled.

Don't be too jealous. We were so early that Solei was the only kid in the blacksmith shop and got both a ring AND the horse shoe.
We saw a fabulous sculpture show on exhibit at the Visitor's Center around this statue.

Finally, we went to get a cookie at the bakery and while there the Brass Band played! They were excellent.
Best of all, we saw the Smith's come out of the Temple. They made me cry they looked so sweet.

Lots of picture taking, so we took some too.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We went to Iowa City to help build out a basement, which we did and got a LOT done.
While there, we enjoyed the company of our kids and two adorable grand-daughters,

...and then our family from Wisconsin came and we had them - and 3 adorable grand-daughters to enjoy. (For more pics, click here.)

Sunday we took a walk on the Mormon Trek park trail.

VACATION: Kirtland

After Niagra, we went southwest to Kirtland, OH. Here is a diagram of the early settlement.
The tour focused on the Whitney family, who were well to do, helped Joseph and Emma a lot, and owned most of the sites we saw. This was a room in their store.
For a while, Joseph and Emma lived upstairs over the store. This is the room that was used for the School of the Prophets.
Their accomodations were surprisingly comodious.
Did you know that there are 4 recorded sightings of the Father and Son in Kirtland?
1.School of the Prophets, 2. Kirtland Temple, 3. Isaac Morley farm on the ourskirts of Kirtland, 4. the Johnson Farm (we did not visit). The church owns all those properties.

Our church does not own the Kirtland Temple. We enjoyed our tour of that magnificent structure and contributed to it's conservation.
It was a great church history tour!!!