Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sidewalk Art

by Solei and Nana

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Weak Off Work

Monday surgery.
Wednesday off prescription meds.
Friday off all pain killers.
Saturday night a bit tender some times when I twist or get up.
I planned to watch lots of good movies, like the whole Lord of the Rings, all three long movies,

but only got through a few vintage TV programs on DVD and some regular TV.

The best part of the week was getting to spend more time with my sweetie and not shaving!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Another adventure

I had another adventure!! Here I am looking like a good Muslim woman standing beside the Holy Qur'an. Yes, I just went to the neighborhood Mosque and watched the women worship.
Very interesting!!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cute baby awards

Miriam rolling over!!!!

Cousin fun

Old toys

New toys

Grandpa's toys

Doctor set!!!!!

Solei's toys

Eating together

TV time

Art Ghosts

Family Portraits?

It's just too tempting.
Even though not everyone is there, you have so many family members in the same room that you just have to ATTEMPT a family portrait.
(It's just all those lovely GA family pics in the Ensign where everyone is dressed alike and smiling at the same time... That's why WE are not GA's!
I remember the one time we did hire a professional photographer, we had to drag the boys off the roof and they didn't have time to shave. We are hopeless!)
Here is our homespun, realistic attempt at family portraits:

Monday, August 04, 2008

Art Camp

We had as many as 5 grandkids visiting us at a time this week. One of the things we did together was to do art in Nana's studio. Very popular activity!!!! Here are some results:
Solei age 1

Michael age 3

Alex and Elisabeth age 27 and 2

Elisabeth age 2