Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another Chance At Life

Well the Corolla sold. $150. It was time for it to go, but I did not what to junk it. So, I put an ad in Craigslist for $250. I had a number of responses, but a guy from a county that does not require inspection came to see the car yesterday. I let him drive it and when he got back he had a simile on his face and said "You've got a deal!" I think he is the one that got the deal. Well, it may be sentimental to care about the future of a car, but I have probably spent as many awake hours with that car over the last few years than with mom. I am glad that someone will keep driving it and not strip its parts and squash it.

Same day, Jared and Reva got a new car, (new for them). No less cars in the drive way.
(Sorry I do not have cute baby pictures in this entry, but Jared and Reva's car is kind of cute.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pink, Pink, Pink!

Thought everyone might enjoy a view of our back yard in springtime. LOVE IT!!!!!