Saturday, July 25, 2009

VACATION: Kirtland

After Niagra, we went southwest to Kirtland, OH. Here is a diagram of the early settlement.
The tour focused on the Whitney family, who were well to do, helped Joseph and Emma a lot, and owned most of the sites we saw. This was a room in their store.
For a while, Joseph and Emma lived upstairs over the store. This is the room that was used for the School of the Prophets.
Their accomodations were surprisingly comodious.
Did you know that there are 4 recorded sightings of the Father and Son in Kirtland?
1.School of the Prophets, 2. Kirtland Temple, 3. Isaac Morley farm on the ourskirts of Kirtland, 4. the Johnson Farm (we did not visit). The church owns all those properties.

Our church does not own the Kirtland Temple. We enjoyed our tour of that magnificent structure and contributed to it's conservation.
It was a great church history tour!!!


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