Saturday, November 22, 2008


The last slide tray I scanned was a group of slides collected from all our slides for a presentation about family preparedness, showing the crazy things we had done.
I found these memories very timely.
Our first home was a 16 X 20 foot garage apartment, very charming, in a great location, but full of waterbugs and we started out with no stove or flushing toilet and never did get hot water or A/C (in the deep south!!!). We lived there for 2 years.
Then we moved to the apartment complex where all the LDS students lived. Fun, but also roach infested. But we had moved up - A/C and flushing toilets!!!
However, as the picture shows, we were short on space and turned our bedroom into a garage, office and bedroom - using wheat buckets! You have to be creative sometimes.

We've never been fans of paying rent nor mortguages, so we seized the opportunity to buy a trailer home - 10' X 50' plus a room add on. This had A/C, a world famous view, flushing toilets, a huge field to play in, and acres of wild dewberries across the street.

We fit us, 2 kids, and even a house guest in this tiny space. And we often had company. Where did our oldest child sleep????

Then we saw land for sale that we could buy and pay off in a few years. It was a big risk. I remember standing at the sink doing dishes and hearing, 'Let me show you a miracle.' Well, we sold the trailer, moved in with Mom and Dad, and the miracles started. It was hard work too. Sometimes we were hungry.
We managed to get the house 100% done (minus A/C) before we graduated from school and sold it.
The point is, we aren't any happier living in our big, air conditioned house now, with the jacuzi, garage door opener, double deck, and freezers full of food, than we were living in the 10X50 foot trailer. Those places we lived were all good times. We never thought of ourselves as permanently poor. (All a matter of who you compared yourself to.) We were sacrificing for a better tomorow and we had a plan.
None of our generation likes the new economic realities facing us. But we can all work hard again and enjoy the journey.
It's the change of plans that is disconcerting. But we can make new plans - and they might be even better!!!
Then I think, but we will be old, and our bodies and minds don't work well. Last night we stayed up and watched this silly western comedy about these creeky old guys that got together and did extraordinary things. We can do that too when we are old. We can use what wits we will have.
(There will definitely be miracles again.)

And what plan is derailed? Missions. What if we all don't get to go? What if we all have to work till we are 80? Well, maybe we should open our mouths right here where we are. Why do we have to go away to open them????
And, again, the economy might change again for the better. Only the Lord knows.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The One That Got Away

OK, confession time. I still feel bad about Isaac (aka: Scooter, Fishbait) being bitten by a fish. After all, the poor adventurous boy who wants so much to explore and experience his relatively new world could not imagine the carnivorous nature of those fish swimming in the tank at the “aquarium”. There is so much to see, and touch, and taste, and this kid is ready! Bring it on!

I did not see any danger when he got up on the stool to get a height advantage over the tank. When he started reaching for the water I knew it was time to intervene, but his hands hit the water and splashed so quickly and the fish swam so fast that I could not get to his hands before the fish did. The fish realized he had made a mistake when four of Isaac’s finger went down his throat, but not before he tried to take a bite.

Then there was taking the poor, not crying, (actually he never cried over the incident), boy to the men’s room to wash the fish-tooth wound out with soap and water. Then, trying to explain to Nana.

I remember when Michael was born, and Nana asked why I did not want to spend a lot of time cuddling the baby. I said I was waiting until he was old enough for an “adventure”. I will try to make future adventures less dangerous.

So, I was sitting here thinking about this and about some fish in the bottom of a tank telling his tail-finned buddies about the boy who got away.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Twilight Zone

Life seems normal, but when I turn on the news it's like being in the twilight zone. Christmas w/o God, ads for adultery, people attacking Mormon Temples, people divorcing over virtual infidelity, feds buying stocks in companies, the stock market on roller coaster mode, thousands of people losing homes, gay marriage...
Is this real? (It's certainly not the 1950's I was raised in! Or even the crazy 60's.)
The SS lesson this week might be on the Second Coming. It made me wonder... is Satan raging?

Papa-Nana's Wish List

In response to “What do you want for Christmas?” I (Papa) offer the following:

I do not need much. If there is something you think I would like, I am sure that I will. Please do not spend much on me.

Here are some random things I have thought of (some even have links):


Jersey Gloves (Cheap brown cotton ones).

White socks

A couple of small flashlights (AA battery size)

Rice Cooker

CD’s (Used CD’s work for me, too):
-CD -
Moonlight Serenade by Carly Simon
-CD - Stardust by Willie Nelson
-CD - Sounds Of Summer - The Very Best Of The Beach Boys by The Beach Boys (This would be the preferred Beach Boys CD.)
-CD -
Beach Boys - 20 Good Vibrations, The Greatest Hits (Volume 1) by The Beach Boys
-CD - Silver Jubilee by Riders In The Sky

Tools w/ Harbor Freight links:
-6" Digital Caliper CEN-TECH 47257-2VGA, or, 6" DIAL CALIPER Cen-Tech 5658-2VGA
-2" to 4-1/4" Oil Filter Wrench Central Forge 36778-0VGA
-2/6 Amp, 6/12 Volt Battery Charger Chicago Electric Power Systems 45005-9VGA
-or 12 Volt Optimum Level Battery Charger Chicago Electric Power Systems 94533-3VGA
-Inline Ignition Spark Checker 4424-2VGA
-7 Piece SAE Professional Nut Driver Set
95207-9VGA Pittsburgh
-16 OZ. CAN CRUSHER 46406-5VGA

Nana's Wish List (so far)

fabric for a long table cloth (if 60" wide then 4 2/3 yards, if 45" wide then 4 1/3 yards)

cell phone with speaker phone that goes with T-Mobile (used just fine)

Electronic pics of grandkids!!!!!

ankle length socks that match blue jeans

temple recommend protector

LDS (used OK) videos: Emma Smith: My Story, Passage to Zarahemla, The Errand of Angels, Praise to the Man, The Work and the Glory 3: A House Divided, Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-day Tale, Out of Step, The Dance, Dear John, Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring, An Unlikely Mormon: The Conversion Story of Glenn Beck, Rescued, Anxiously Engaged, Reflections of Christ.

Regular (used OK) videos: Jane Austen Collection, Love Comes Softly Series, Vol. 1, Love Comes Softly Series, Vol. 2, Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre, The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2, The Road to Avonlea, Season 7, or anything like these.

Any LDS books on tape.

Any FARMS stuff. Love it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Reva took us to the gymnasium. They had a free music class before open play time.
All the kids loved it! Isaac, who is SO shy at nursery, had no fear here.
It was a little like 'Where's Waldo?' finding 3 grandkids on all the equiptment. This foam pit was a favorite.
It was fun to go with cousins.

Baby #3 was there too.
Some action shots. I could not help but try the Tarzan rope. Lots of fun!

Trip to Biltmore

We finally decided to go to Biltmore!!!
We left at 6 am for Biltmore in Asheville, NC. By the time it was light we were at Tallulah Gorge. From there on all the views were fabulous.

Since I've been scanning old slides, I notice that I only save the slides with people in them. So, we tried what the kids always do - hold the camera at arms length and shoot...

Worked, but blocked the gorge!

Biltmore was fabulous!!!This time we nabbed a fellow tourist to take our pic.

The architectural details surpass Princeton.

Fall was still in bloom.

The gardens have a greenhouse, of course.

From the rear.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I did not vote for Obama.
Last night I prayed for America and felt that America is very blessed already.
This morning I could not help but get up at 5 am and watch the news. Obama won. Yet I felt an exultation. I feel joy in heaven. It's part of the plan and something wonderful will come of this.
I wonder what?
Except for church, when I leave my house, 80% of the people I speak to (that are fully cognizant) are from Kenya. They are the most wonderful people on earth! I know how empowered they feel. I also hope my African-American friends feel the same way. It's a new day for them. That's a great thing!! And then I think of Muslims around the world. Will his Muslim name help us open those countries for the preaching of the gospel? They are wonderful people too.
Yet, for all the reasons I did not vote for Obama, I fear. TAXES. Unless his popularity creates an atmosphere of insane hopefulness that overstimulates Wall St., or he brings peace to the world so we have no military budget and don't need more taxes, his dreams will kill us economically. What will happen? How can we prepare? How can we all retain enough captial gains and dividends to retire and serve a mission(s) - especially since those countries may open up and there will be more need for missionaries?
We will need miracles and harder work. Ouch. We will need the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. And we may need to take Elder Perry's advice and live simply. Ouch again.
At least it will not be boring.

PS - Way to go California!!! Now that was the big winner!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Classics from 1982-84

My pile of kids.
Best Pirate Party ever...

Best Wonder Woman party ever...
Chicago Temple dedication.
Aaron ate dirt.
Michelle and her blankie.

Anna's first day of Kindergarten at the Little Red Schoolhouse.

Baby Sarah

A few blog entries ago we featured Anna. I finally scanned some pics of Sarah. How much does she look like her girls???

Sorry about the quality. I preserve what I can. This is what happens to old slides. Or, they may have been overexposed when taken. You never knew till you had them developed much later...

What a cute kid!!!!

Saturday, November 01, 2008


One of my old folks friends.

Our Love Bug.
Tired from trick or treating.

The stars shine bright...deep in the heart of TX.

By popular demand, we are posting pics of our TX trip.
Apparently we own a butterfly bush that attacted these beauties...

But what was really amazing and fabuloso was the amount of stars we could see at night! I haven't seen that many for about 35 years. There were clouds and clusters of stars. Gorgeous. They make you think deep thoughts.
Here is the work crew. They built a new porch/stairs/bench/picnic table. Pretty clever design!

We changed the color of the trailer again. We are going for the invisible look.

Wendy supervised and kept us company.

Wendy in her handy dandy wheelchair. She very agile in that thing and goes from one vehicle to the other to get around.
Her cast.

Grandpa's hangout.


We had a good time, ate good cooking, and also remodeled Wendy's bathroom. (Sorry no pics of that!)