Sunday, August 19, 2007

The great purge

Does it feel good? We've changed our philosophy from 'Someone might need this,' to 'Do I need this in the next 6 years?' And we are throwing away, giving away, and selling.
The biggest boost was when our amazing son-in-law Alex came to visit. He attacked our attic and carried heavy boxes down 3 stories. The delicious sight of bare wood floors is catchy and we are finishing what he started. It does feel good!!!!!
Jon and Alex (and others) went through all our wheat storage and threw out, gave away and repackaged. OK, so we actually do have more wheat than we need...

Then Jon and Alex built the wall to the right which extended our storage closet. Jon has since finished it up. This picture was taken right after - before it got filled up with drums and amplifiers - and stuff brought down from the attic that we are sorting through.
This new closet is where we plan to fit ALL of our storage.

Our attic is now half empty and we are working on purging the upstairs closets. This is the 'bathroom' closet. I closed my eyes and dumped.

This bedroom closet now holds Grandma Bowen's 'stuff' and genealogy photos and family slides, and a few clothes. You can see the wall!!! No drums.

Yesterday I went through all the sewing stuff from all over the house and this is all that is left!!!!!!

The rest of all the stuff is here - in a garage sale pile!!!!!!!!

And there is still more......

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We’ve been tagged? Don’t know what that means, but we can follow a template, (from Anna and Danny’s blog.
Here are a couple of things about us. Dad and Mom

4 Random Things about Me:
I get up at 4am to go to work and take an hour nap before I start work.
I can weld, kind of.
There are some things I can not fix.
After I accompanied Reva on the piano in church, people said it was amazing that I could play what I played without reading music. (I was going to say but did not, (It’s easy when you make it up yourself.)
My two legs don’t match each other.
I like to eat butter all by itself.
I love creeks.
I have a lot of books and paintings in my head that wish they could come out.

Favorite four jobs I've held:
Produce department clerk at Food Giant
Chief of Facilities and Operational Support at GBI.
Repairman of electric fishing motors and power winches at Appliance Hospital
Kindergarten art teacher
Art teacher for Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston
Charles Hobbs Time Management Hostess

Four (or ANY) movies I can watch over and over again:
Star Wars Series
Potter Series
Mobsters and Mormons
Napoleon Dynamite (Does this suggest I’m warped somehow?)
Pride and Prejudice (any version)
Any Jane Austen novel
Yoga Zone (daily exercise!!)
Anne of Green Gables or Jane Eyre

Four places I have lived:
Ontario, Canada



Four t.v. shows I watch:
Modern Marvels (History Channel)
The Universe (History Channel)
Jakers (PBS Saturday Morning)
Ask This Old House

CNN Headline news – Robin&friends
If that is yukky, boring, or has a commercial – CNN News
If that happens on CNN – Fox News
Andy of Mayberry

Four places I've been on vacation:
New Jersey

Four favorite foods:
Key lime pie
Ice Cream
good Steak
Cream Puffs
Really good cheese cake
Dark Chocolate

Four websites I visit:
The kids four blogs
your blog
yahoo mail

People that we want to tag:
The only ones who read this blog…
Jared and Reva
Sarah and Alex
Aaron and Kathrine (got cha!!)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Pile of Cousins July/August 2007