Sunday, February 25, 2007

Eat your heart out - we went to the beach!!!

This was one of those tough Grandma jobs. Michael saw an episode of Curious George at the beach. When I arrived in FL, he greeted me with, 'We go to beach!'
What else could I do? It's only 40 minutes away and the weather was sunny & 78 degrees.

Kathrine? What's Kathrine doing in the picture? Well, we packed her in the car and took her along. What a great place to lie down after a month on the couch!

What a great sandbox!

Curious things all over the place!

We found all this stuff beachcombing.

It's just a little beach called Bald Point State Park and has white sand and palmettos and funky trees - but not a good place to swim.

Cool tree.

The water is brackish from the marshes. The brown floating vegetation collects on the shore (brown spot) and probably allows things to grow as suggested by all the tree stumps.
It was just a great place to go and chill out - especially in winter!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Trip to Florida - Brrr...

I drove down to Tallahassee this week to help out at Aaron and Kathrine's b/c Katherine is on bedrest for the month of February. I basically got the housekeeping ahead. Before I came the Relief Society had done a marvelous job with meals and sitting. I may go down again each week for a few days to relieve them.
Kathrine stays prone about 98% of the time. That means that I spent a lot of time with Michael. Yeah!

We went outside for a walk every day, even though it turned cold!!!!!!!!!
Notice that there are flowers in bloom... This coming week it will be warm again.
And there are palm trees. (I'm crazy about palm trees.)

Lots of people have been watching Michael. He even has his own fort at their home teachers apartment.

We made Valentines.

The neighbors had Valentine balloons. I really enjoyed their Muslim next door neighbors! The wife is from Morocco. (One of my secret desires is to travel there.)

Tallahassee is beautiful. This is the street their apartment complex is located on.

I caught a shot of downtown in rush hour on the way home. Love the Spanish Moss!

Maybe next week on the way there I can photo some cotton fields or something.
Or, the beach!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nothing Stays the Same

There may be changes in the future for the den. Mom does not like, maybe hates, (for a long time now), the old, dark, tall, TV cabinet.

So we bought a new one at Ikea last night. We like the style, but will have to figure how to get it to blend in with the rest of the room.

Also, Friday night was the ward Dessert Cook-Off and Games Night at the church. I won for my "Better Than Your Mama's Ever Were" brownies, (with butterscotch chips and drizzled carmel). I threw the stuff together and they turned out amazingly delicious. Maybe it was the gold charger they were served on. We also played Apples to Apples for a couple of hours. Actually, for about an hour after the party was over.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

All in a months work

OK, so all I've done for the past forever is paint kitchen trim. Anyone who comes to my house won't even notice, but it really is all 'spiffy'. Here is a photo to prove it.

If you turn in this direction, you can tell a difference, because the doors are now white!

And today I finished touching up our new room that Jon built on last year. It is not orange, in case your computer, like mine, displays it that way. The couches are actually Jared and Reva's (stored at our house) and the front one is bright yellow.

Just to add meaning to my rather mundane task, I will compare it to perfection. You cover up the obvious spots. Then more spots show - oh dear! So you paint over them. Then more show up. You can keep touching up forever!!!!!

But I am officially done with this room! Amen.