Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I did not vote for Obama.
Last night I prayed for America and felt that America is very blessed already.
This morning I could not help but get up at 5 am and watch the news. Obama won. Yet I felt an exultation. I feel joy in heaven. It's part of the plan and something wonderful will come of this.
I wonder what?
Except for church, when I leave my house, 80% of the people I speak to (that are fully cognizant) are from Kenya. They are the most wonderful people on earth! I know how empowered they feel. I also hope my African-American friends feel the same way. It's a new day for them. That's a great thing!! And then I think of Muslims around the world. Will his Muslim name help us open those countries for the preaching of the gospel? They are wonderful people too.
Yet, for all the reasons I did not vote for Obama, I fear. TAXES. Unless his popularity creates an atmosphere of insane hopefulness that overstimulates Wall St., or he brings peace to the world so we have no military budget and don't need more taxes, his dreams will kill us economically. What will happen? How can we prepare? How can we all retain enough captial gains and dividends to retire and serve a mission(s) - especially since those countries may open up and there will be more need for missionaries?
We will need miracles and harder work. Ouch. We will need the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. And we may need to take Elder Perry's advice and live simply. Ouch again.
At least it will not be boring.

PS - Way to go California!!! Now that was the big winner!!!


Blogger The Pagets in Florida said...

Us too in Florida.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Larry Lewis said...

Every economist on earth knows that in our fiercely contracting global economy our government will have to increase taxes & our government will have to shorten any optional portions of this very expensive war.

Pres Bush's first days brought us the Tax Breaks we could no longer afford (generous to all, but especially to the rich), and he also quickly addressed the moral issue of stem cell research - and then came the War on Terror.

I'm guessing the most immediate issues the new Congress may choose to address will be: 1. eliminate some of Bush's 2001 tax breaks to the rich, 2. consider how to shift some of the 'show-up-at-the-ER' patients to the shoulders of insurance companies, 3. promote an auto industry that can export large numbers of extemely fuel efficient autos, and 4. figure out how to hire & retain the best teachers for grades k-12, while making public colleges more affordable again.

Meanwhile, the Executive Branch will need to: 1. reassure a worried nation, 2. shift the emphasis in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan from ground troops to drone warplanes, and 3. build on Bush's secret direct negotiations with our enemies (read: competitors).

Iraq seems only too happy to get us out of their cities, yet remain in sufficient numbers on our military bases (where we won't do too much, but we'll be nearby if there's a meltdown) - and I'm guessing they're also bargaining that we'll end up supplementing their government expenses for a little while longer (poor Dudes are suffering with falling oil prices).

Still, there will be a significant net savings from winding down our $10 billion per month enterprise in Iraq. I wish we could use that savings to pay down the national debt, but it looks like it'll be used to restart the economy instead.

But this is no surprise; we all knew the cost of the War on Terror was being put on the VISA card, and we've been getting the bill in the mail each month for the past 7 years.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Mom and Dad said...

What I am feeling is the overwhelming joy of the african american community. It's so beautiful to watch. No more mama's and daddy's will ever tell their kids they can't grow up to be President. And, on the other hand none of them can now use that as an excuse for failure. Love it!

6:04 AM  
Blogger Larry Lewis said...

KEL here. I keep thinking you do not have to panic over your personal economics. I don't know of anyone who has, so consistently and diligently, stayed out of debt. I also know you have been always faithful in your tithes and offerings. You are also no stranger to simplicity. Therefore, I know of few who warrant blessings as much as you. Be peaceful and trusting. You'll be taken care of.

7:46 AM  

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