Monday, November 17, 2008

The One That Got Away

OK, confession time. I still feel bad about Isaac (aka: Scooter, Fishbait) being bitten by a fish. After all, the poor adventurous boy who wants so much to explore and experience his relatively new world could not imagine the carnivorous nature of those fish swimming in the tank at the “aquarium”. There is so much to see, and touch, and taste, and this kid is ready! Bring it on!

I did not see any danger when he got up on the stool to get a height advantage over the tank. When he started reaching for the water I knew it was time to intervene, but his hands hit the water and splashed so quickly and the fish swam so fast that I could not get to his hands before the fish did. The fish realized he had made a mistake when four of Isaac’s finger went down his throat, but not before he tried to take a bite.

Then there was taking the poor, not crying, (actually he never cried over the incident), boy to the men’s room to wash the fish-tooth wound out with soap and water. Then, trying to explain to Nana.

I remember when Michael was born, and Nana asked why I did not want to spend a lot of time cuddling the baby. I said I was waiting until he was old enough for an “adventure”. I will try to make future adventures less dangerous.

So, I was sitting here thinking about this and about some fish in the bottom of a tank telling his tail-finned buddies about the boy who got away.


Blogger Danny said...

"He was a whopper!"

8:52 PM  
Blogger The Pagets in Florida said...

I feel this post is some how meant to reassure the other siblings who may be visiting and having the kids play with Grandpa. Adventures seem to come with danger. We just should have sent the first aid kit with you.

5:38 AM  

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