Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is for Michael.

Michael, you are just about to start school!!!!!!!!!!!! You are our oldest grandson. Wow! You are the first to really start school. How does it feel? Are you excited?
I used to get butterflies in my stomach the first day of school every year!
Here is a picture of your daddy when he first started Kindergarten:
How do you think he felt?
He was wearing his favorite shirt that he earned by graduating from Safety Town that summer.
Safety Town helped kids learn to be safe. This is one of the things they did to learn about traffic.

Doesn't that look like fun?

Here is your dad in his Kindergarten class. He had a fun teacher. They had a pet rabbit in the class and one time they hatched eggs. Sometimes she would dress silly like this.

One thing I remember about your daddy was that he always wanted to be a good boy. Some of the boys in the class were very naughty and had to be punished often. Your daddy tried very hard not to be one of those boys. Sometimes that was hard to do, but he was brave.

I hope you will choose the right too.

We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Learn a lot and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nana and Papa


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