Saturday, September 27, 2008


There is no gas to be had in the Atlanta area. I have 3/4 of a tank leftover from when we filled up in North Georgia. How long will it last?
Banks are failing. I've just written several checks from a bank that is being "sold". Will they be good? Will there still be money in the account?
Our plans to retire are coming unravelled as this credit crisis deepens. How will that work out? What will be taxed in 2009? I listened to the debates last night and took notes. It looks good for 'working' Americans, but what about retired Americans living off savings and investments?
I never thought I'd write stuff like this. Crazy times!!!!


Blogger The Pagets in Florida said...

I at least understand the gas problem. I am currently working on the third week of gas in my car tank. Yes, 3 weeks. I am not even to half a tank yet. I have been trying to save gas by not coming home before I have to be at Church for my evening meetings. I also have been riding my bike.

Interestingly enough, it is cheaper for me to go to Burger King and get a Whopper Jr. than it is for me to drive home and back, not to mention the cost of food at the house. It is kind of sad. Even at around 30 mpg and having an 8 mile round trip, it is kind of sad.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Larry Lewis said...

Good news mostly. The US Congress seems to have stepped away from out & out socialism in the bailout - I was hoping we'd be buying bad debt instead of Nationalizing Industries.

Also, the money is being given in three doses instead of all at once, and Congress has created an agency whose sole job is to watch Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson day & night to see what he's doing with our money.

Finally, the deal wasn't so sweet that other industries would be much tempted to get in on the action.

Of course, this good news hinges on the House passing the bill as the Senate has designed it, and then on Pres Bush signing it.

There was much less hoopla about the other giant news story: Congress has agreed on next year's budget. The Republicans get their even-bigger military budget as well as the right to some off-shore drilling (in about 2.5 years) - while the Democrats get to invest in retooling the auto industry for competitive fuel-efficient cars right away (helping with both energy savings & new employment opportunities).

Now if we can just go a few weeks without another meltdown???

3:06 AM  
Blogger Mom and Dad said...

I'm thrilled about the latter part of your report. Off shore drilling and fuel efficient cars are both awesome!!!

6:34 PM  
Blogger Mom and Dad said...

I read on Barack Obama's website that under his new tax plan all senior citizens making under 50,000will pay no income tax. Good.
Now, at what age does someone become a senior citizen? What do you do while you are saving up to be one? And if you make more than 50K, is the first 50K not taxed?
And, he just might not win! This year is full of explosive surprises.

4:15 PM  

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