Wednesday, February 13, 2008

For Women Only

Mammogram (stop here)
A few weeks ago I had that uncomfortable experience again, only to be called back by the doctor requesting that I go back for a more detailed mammogram. That means: lumps!!! And they could mean: cancer...
You try not to let your imagination take over, remembering, we've been through this before, and it wasn't cancer then, you know you have fibrocystic disease...
But there is always that niggling little worry amongst all your other little worries...
This morning when my husband got up at 4 am as usual, we said our morning prayer - and then he said, 'You need a blessing.' So, of course I got up and got one. It was a great comfort because it said I would live a long, long time.
I went calmly back to sleep.
The mammogram was 4 pictures taken with different kinds of smooshers. Then I had to wait for the doctor to make an evaluation. (Read all the cool February Women's magazines!) He said that I needed to get an ultrasound test. So, I went in and laid on the table and got to watch the monitor. There was a big black hole amongst my tissues - and that was great b/c that means I have another cyst, which is only a sac of liquid, my very own silicone implant! (I loved that back when I was a 32 A or B!) NO danger to my health.
Anyway, thanks to the blessing I went through the whole incident with incredible peace and good cheer. How grateful I am for the priesthood!


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